Honeywell stg700 model selection guide
Honeywell's ST 3000 Series 900 Gauge Pressure Transmitters are ideal for applications such as high-pressure measurement in boilers, fuel feeds and Six common models of the transmitters ranging from 500 psi to 10,000 psi are available for application: STG944: 0 to 500 psi; 0 to 35 bar. Honeywell STG700 GP transmitter new arrival product. Honeywell's SmartLine ® ST700 Pressure Transmitters include absolute pressure, gauge pressure, flange mount and Users have the option of choosing between dual-head and in-line models to match their process interface requirements. Honeywell STG700 SmartLine Pressure Transmitters. Related Product. Honeywell STT170 SmartLine Temperature Transmitters. Part of the SmartLine® family of products, the STG700 and STG70L are suitable for monitoring, control and data acquisition. Specification and Model Selection Guide. Introduction. In 1983, Honeywell introduced the first Smart Pressure Transmitter? the ST 3000®. In 1989 The STG90L gauge pressure transmitter is typically used for pressure in water and gas lines. The STD904 and STG90L transmitter are built to the highest Model Selection Guide. Issue all orders to Siemens Industry, Inc c/o Lesman Instrument Company. Honeywell's new SmartLine® STG700 and STG670L are suitable for monitoring, control and data acquisition. STG70X products feature piezoresistive sensor technology combining pressure sensing
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